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Friday, August 9, 2013


the right levels of hunger hormones keep hunger under control. here are some tips on how to level these hormones.

1. eat regularly at scheduled times. in this way you'll keep hunger under control more easily throughout the day. for example, if you usually eat lunch at 1pm, but you decide to have an early lunch at 12pm, you'll most probably feel hungry at 1pm. this is because fo your hunger hormone which is higher at that time of the day.

2. reduce the stress. stress usually induces the desire for sweet foods and raises cortisol levels which eventually lead into fat gain. you can reduce stress by taking a short walk which will also reduce hunger.

3. get enough sleep. sleep plays a huge role in controlling hunger hormones. by sleeping at leas 7-8 hours per night, you keep the leptin levels under control and you drop the hunger hormone's levels. 

4. eat more fiber. meals high in fiber will not only keep you full for longer, but they will also lower the hunger hormone levels.

5. take a break from dieting. dieting lower the leptin levels. leptin is a hormone that tells the brain that you are no longer hungry. so make sure to have a carb refeed or a so-called cheat day once a week. this will help rise the leptin levels and reduce the hunger hormones levels. also don't diet for more than 3-5 months. after this period of time, take a month off to rebalance the hunger hormones.

6. reduce sugar and fructose. fructose is the major contributor to insulin and leptin resistance. fructose is processed by the liver and it's not shuttled to muscles. it is either used as energy or stored in the form of glycogen in the liver. when this storage (100g) is full, fructose converts to triglycerides and gets stored as fat. over time, this workload on the liver can cause resistance in the cells. the liver is the main organ for fat burning. by reducing sugar /which is 50% glucose, 50% fructose) and HFCS, you allow your liver to do other things, like burning fat for example.

7. exercise. resistance training makes your cells more sensitive to both insulin and leptin. this is very important since leptin drops while dieting and losing weight. if leptin levels are just right, you'll experience a feeling of fullness and be able to keep your hunger under control.

8. eat small meals every 2-3 hours. by eating frequent meals you keep your blood sugar under control. by preventing hypoglycemya (low blood glucose), you'll feel less hungry.

9. make sure you are eating enough calories. for fat loss you need a calorie deficit which should be at around 20%. some people go as low as 1,500, 1,200 calories or even lower. huge calorie deficits suppress your thyroid and damage your metabolism. once you are done with dieting, you'll never be able to get back to those 2,000-3,000 calories (or whatever is your maintenance level) without re-gaining fat tissue.

10. eat your protein. protein will help keep the blood sugar under control by slowing down the absorption of the nutrients. in this way you'll feel full for longer.

#keephungerundercontrol #eatright

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