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Friday, August 9, 2013


people with skinny fat are those people who fit into small clothes, but naked they look weak and flabby. 
this is why i always point out the difference btw losing WEIGHT and losing FAT. whenever i measure the body fat to a skinny client, it's always at around 16-18% for men, and 25% for women... but they look skinny in their clothes. you would never tell they have such a high BF percentage. 

you can lose WEIGHT on whatever diet.. but if you want to lose FAT and preserve the muscle tissue, the story changes.. a lot! you must EAT and nourish your body and give it all the macronutrients it needs in order to give up fat and repair muscle tissue. this is why sometimes just changing the percentage of the macronutrients in a diet makes a huge change. for example, if you are carb sensitive, i would recommend you go more with a 40-40-20 (carb-protein-fat) than with a 50-30-20 regimen. 
if you keep lowering the calories and starving yourself you'll end up looking skinny and mushy.. and i don't think that's what you want. by starving yourself, your body can also actually start storing fat.. did you know that? how many people you know that don't eat anything for the whole day but they are still fat? our body is a fantastic machine and storing fat is its way to survive.

strength training plays a huge role in losing fat and creating a toned look. while cardio promotes a skinnier and flabbier look. 
and again, women, don't be afraid to lift heavy.. you don't have the hormones to become bulky.. you have the hormones to become sexy!

#skinnyfat #fatlossvsweightloss #macros

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