Search Feed The Iron

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


1. you don't have to find time... you must make time to exercise. set your alarm earlier or cut out useless things like watching tv, facebook, phone conversations etc. work out when the kids are at school, when they are still sleeping in the morning or take them to a playground where they can play freely and you can workout. you don't need to exercise for hours to get fit. if your nutrition is right, 4 hours a week are more than enough.

2. tired? watch your nutrition, eat healthy and natural foods. EAT! if you are on the go all day long, you can't live on a salad and yogurt! once you start exercising, you'll start feeling so much better. you'll have more energy and you'll be in a good mood. take a brisk walk in the morning on an empty stomach (15-20 min is enough) to wake up the body. you'll feel so much better and if you work out in the afternoon, you'll have more energy throughout the day.

3. scared of the gym 'cos you feel like everybody is staring at you? don't be! you are there to work out and nothing else. only people who have nothing better to do judge the other people in the room. who cares if your clothes are old or new, if your shoes are from that brand or another, if your hair is all messy or you are not wearing makeup and your purple eye bags can be seen from the moon... who cares! walk in the gym head on and make yourself proud. if you can't make it to the gym, then you can still workout at home. what you save on the gym membership, you can invest in quality equipment.

4. lack of motivation? find an old pair of jeans that you used to wear years ago or a nice piece of clothing that you spot while window-shopping, make a vision board with pictures of yourself and people who inspire you, post your goals on facebook, tell everybody what are you trying to achieve, find a support group and a workout pal,.... you can do it!!

5. you feel guilty if you don't put your family first? a happy mom is a good mom. you absolutely need to take time for yourself. family is important and it comes first, but you come first, too.... ok, first and a half  if you don't relax and do sth good for yourself, you keep stressing out about stupid unnecessary things. you are only 1 workout away from good mood!

#training #fitmom

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