all you know about saturated fat is wrong! i know that your doc told you to avoid saturated fats, i know that there are tons of articles out there that say that saturated fat promotes heart disease and obesity... i know i know.... the problem is, that most doctors don't have a clue what you should eat and finding an open-minded nutritionist that is up to date is very difficult and expensive.
i'll try to make this very short and simple. saturated fats are found in tropical plants like coconut and palm oil and in animal fats: milk, eggs, butter, meat, cheese, lard etc.
as you can see from the pic below, saturated fats are a very important food source in some countries... and as far as i can remember, they were important also for our grand parents who lived in the countryside. i remember my grandparents not wasting a piece of a pig... everything was eaten and cooked in lard.. but still they didn't have heart disease or suffered from obesity. how come? ok, first of all their lives were anything but sedentary, but most importantly, they didn't have sugar! i remember my grandma telling me the story of how they used to spread jam on a piece of bread... they had to divide that tablespoon among 5 kids and to keep it for the next time, they used to spread it and then remove it with a piece of paper. and this is the same situation that is going on in the countries where agriculture is still a way of living. no sugar, no heart disease.
so you can totally enjoy saturated fats, but make sure they come from grass-fed animals. and here's a trick! most grass-fed animals are fattened with grains right before being slaughtered. this makes the precious omega-3 transform into omega-6 and it destroys the natural CLA content. CLA is a natural fat-burner that is present only in animals fed exclusively with grass. plus, foods from grass-fed animals contain 2-4 times more heart-friendly omega-3 fatty acids.
so make sure you buy grass-fed butter and eggs, not just organic. grass-fed products are more yellowish in color and 3 times richer in vitamins like A and D. be aware of artificial colors and dyes! read the label!!
-healthy brain: did you know that out brain is mainly made from saturated fat and cholesterol?!
-strong immune system: saturated fats in white blood cells makes them recognize and destroy foreign invaders. breast milk is rich in saturated fats, but we need that also when we become adults.
-lower risk of heart disease. saturated fats reduces the levels of lipoprotein a which is directly correlated with heart disease. they also rise the good cortisol lelvels (HDL)
-healthier liver: saturated fats clear fat from the liver and it protects it from toxic substances like alcohol and medication.
-healthy lungs: the lungs are covered by a thin layer of coat made 100% from saturated fat. absence of the correct material in the coat leads to respiratory disorders and asthma.
-stronger bones! calcium requires saturated fats to be effectively 'absorbed' by the bone
so as you can see there are many good reasons to consume saturated fats. just make sure they derive from grass-fed animals, that they are not trans fats and that you avoid sugar which with its acid 'eats' the walls of the arteries and make the fat stuck in these 'pockets'.
#saturatedfats #mythbuster #protein #nutrition #fatloss #cholesterol
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