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Thursday, August 8, 2013


-for protein eat more white meat, egg whites and low-fat/ fat-free dairy. especially dairy products like cottage cheese, cream cheese, quark etc are very cheap and rich in protein.

-buy in bulk especially items that stay good for long (whole grain carbs). portion out your meat and freeze it.

-eat more fiber. fiber will not only fill you up so you'll eat less later, but processed foods containing sugars and hydrogenated oils are also very expensive. look for the price per lb/kg!

-pack your meals. this is always cheaper than any fast food or restaurant.

-carry with you a reusable water bottle that is free of BPA. in this way you don't need to buy water on the which can be very expensive.

‪#‎tipsforeatinghealthyonthebudget‬ ‪#‎eatinghealthy‬ ‪#‎budget‬

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