Search Feed The Iron

Saturday, August 17, 2013


i keep receiving questions about the post-workout meal and i think this is still unknown territory to some people.

the post-workout meal is the most important meal of the day and its primary function is to replenish the glycogen stores and feed the muscle tissue. for optimal results, it is very important that you consume simple sugars and whey protein. 

whey isolate is a fast acting protein that is essential post-workout since it reaches the muscle tissue in a very short time. but unfortunately the protein can't travel alone... it needs a vehicle to reach its destination. and this vehicle is called sugar. any kind of sugar is ok, but the best type of sugar is dextrose. dextrose is simply glucose, so blood sugar. our body doesn't have to convert it to anything so it's readily available for the protein to jump on it and race to the muscles together. even better, especially if you are trying to lose fat, is waxy maize which doesn't spike the insulin so much, but it does the exact same job as dextrose.

ripe bananas, raisins, dry dates etc are also good. not perfect but good. these fruits are high in sugar, but they also contain some fructose. fructose is no good for post-workout because it doesn't enter the blood stream so our body can't utilize it to replenish the glycogen stores. in this case, fructose is used for energy. this is also why table sugar is not a very good option. table sugar is basically glucose+fructose.
sounds complicated but it's really not. just make sure you get your sugars and whey in the 2:1 ratio (60g sugars, 30g protein, for example).

#postworkoutmeal #glucose #glycogenstores

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