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Thursday, August 8, 2013


olive oil is a food scam. why?

well, there’s no such thing as a healthy oil! oils rich in monounsaturated fats like olive oil are healthier than foods full of saturated and trans fats, that’s for sure.. but just because something is “healthier” does NOT mean it is good for you. oils don’t occur in nature. oils are just like juices… they’ve been deprived of their fiber! There must be a reason if mother nature put the fiber in the nuts and plants rich in fats, right?! oils are like junk food… full of calories and fats but lacking in nutrition.

olive oil is believed to be heart-healthy because it contains polyphenols… ok, but why eat 120 calories of olive oil for 30mg of polyphenols when you can have 11 calories of green leafy veggies?

and did you know that 2 Tbs of olive oil contain the same amount of saturated fats of 1/2 cup regular ice cream?

olive oil also doesn’t lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.. this happens only if you replace your saturated fats with the olive oil. there is this study that the scientist conducted on monkeys..there was one group fed with monounsaturated oils like olive oil… and the other group fed with saturated oils…guess what… the group fed with ‘healhtier’ oils developed the same amounts of coronary artery atherosclerosis as those fed saturated fat! interesting, ha?!

human body doesn’t need the monounsaturated oils… the only oils our body needs are the omega 3 and 6…and olive oil is very poor in omega3s! you would need to have 1800 calories and 30g of saturated fat of olive oil to reach your daily needs.

most common oils have a low burning point. this means that when you cook with these oils you are damaging them and turning them into hydrogenated oil. so always consume only raw oils. don’t add oil while cooking but use an oil spray (like PAM) to prevent sticking.

so, do you still think that the ice cream with olive oil is healthier than the regular one? i think they are just about the same crap.

#oliveoilscam #junkfood

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