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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hope you survived the last week challenge. If you had already made working out a habit, it should have been a piece of cake.

Those who completed the first two challenges should already start seeing great results. I keep receiving progress emails from all over the world and I'm really excited for you guys. Hard work always pays off in the end!

The challenge this week is be easy peasy. All you have to do is to eat your bodyweight in pounds of protein. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs*, it means that you should get 150g of protein. It may sound a lot of protein, but it's really not. Spread that protein around the meals and have 20-30g of protein at each meal.
Here I reccomend logging your food at least for the first days. This is beacuse carbohydrates, veggies and fats also contain protein and you'll see that you hit that number very easily.

Let me show you some examples:
1 cup brussel sprouts contains 5g of protein.
1/4 cup of oats has 4g protein
a slice of whole-wheat bread 5g of protein
1 portion of broccoli 6g of protein.

These proteins count all! So don't just get 20-30g of protein in chicken or fish, but keep in mind that other foods contain protein, as well.

Questions? Post them below!

*1 lb = 450g; if you weigh 50kg, that will be 50 x 2.2= 110lb => 110g protein/ day

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