Search Feed The Iron

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This week challenge is all about the workouts. If last week you had to find mental strength to get through, this week you'll have to find TIME. Ups, sorry.. not "find", MAKE! This week you have to MAKE TIME for the gym. I give you the plan, you follow it! simple!

So, here's the deal:

-you must train at least 45-60 minutes a day. if you are a complete beginner (meaning, never worked out before) go for 30 minutes of intense training. This doesn't mean you have to lift heavy weights that you've never lifted before. It has to be intense for YOU. This means that you have to sweat, breathe hard, feel thirsty, feel like dying but feel good at the same time.

-weight-lifting: 4-6 days a week. The more intense the trainings, the more rest days you need. If you are training to increase your strength and perforimng 6 or less reps, go with a 4 day schedule.

Beginners: do a weightlifting total body routine 3 times a week. Choose 1 exercise per body part. Don't forget to warm up and cool down! Focus on compund movements (shoulder press, row, bench press, deadlift, lat pull-down, squat, leg press etc.). Ask the instructor at the gym for help If you are not sure how the exercises must be performed. Go slow and controlled, focus on form! If your gym has the machines for the exercises i mentioned, prefer them to free weights.

Intermediate trainers: weightlifting split routine 5 days a week

Advanced trainers: train 5-7 days a week, training preferably each body part twice a week. 

-do cardio only if you are more than 30 lbs overweight and do it on your rest days ONLY. Perform a HIIT routine as follows:

Hiit for a beginner:
5 min warm up
8 intervals: 45 s all out, 1 min slow
5 min cool down

Hiit for an intermediate/ advanced trainer:
5 min warm up
10 intervals: 20 s all out, 10 s slow
5 min cool down

Followed by abs.

-schedule your workouts!
-go to bed earlier and wake up early
-get yourself new gym clothes
-go sleep with your gym clothes on (sometimes it works)
-prepare your gym bag the night before!
-find a buddy. make an appointment to meet your friend at the gym
-try on old clothes in which you'd like to fit
-watch less tv
-spend less time on the phone
-spend less time on the internet 
-find an old jar and get yourself a euro/ dollar tip (or more) for every workout completed

Hey, no excuses! 1 hours is nothing compared to the time you spend on the phone, the internet, in front of the tv etc.

Nothing great was ever achieved with ease.

Questions? Post them below!

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