Search Feed The Iron

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


"(Real Foods) Those that nature gives us, plants, roots, fruits, nuts, seeds, meats, eggs, milk and those made from it. Fake foods are those that human beings create trying to imitate the natural food." Wikipedia

-real food is unprocessed or minimally processed before consumed

-it comes from nature

-it contains vitamins and minerals and it nourishes our body

-it gives you energy and keep us in good mood

-it makes our skin radiant

-real food is real medicine

-it looks beautiful, it's colorful and it smells and tastes delicious

-it can be grown in your yard, your garden or on your balcony

-real food has healing benefits

-it is something you find in your CSA box, barter, swap or purchase at the farmers market

-real food is picked fresh and enjoyed seasonally

-it is the food of our great-grandparents and all of them who came before them

-it is local and/ or organic

-it is picked directly from a plant or ground

-it comes form animals fed with natural, unprocessed ingredients

#realfood #nourishyourbody

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