Search Feed The Iron

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


even the kids with the most healthy diet don’t get all the nutrients they need from food. 

Necessary for healthy immune function. it works by activating T cells to become killer cells that attack and destroy viruses. in summer we get vitamin D from the sun, this is why we don't get sick very often. in winter the lack of sun exposure results in less vitamin D so especially if you are living in the northern areas where the sun in winter is very rare, i recommend supplementing with vitamin D. babies should be taking 1,000 IU of vitamin D, toddlers and kids through middle school 2,000 IU, adults and high school kids 5,000 IU.

omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil or flax seed oil will establish healthy cell membranes that prevent inflammation. 200 mg of DHA and EPA for 22kg/ 50lbs of body weight is an appropriate dose.

breastfeeding is the best preventive for babies. colostrum from cow’s milk and whey protein powder will have similar effects if given as a supplement. use a high quality, cold processed whey protein powder (not whey isolate or hydrowhey that are used as supplements in an athlete's diet)

where's the vit C? not necessary. in winter there are plenty of natural foods rich in vit C that totally fulfill the body's needs. yellow bell peppers, guava, kiwi, oranges, dark leafy veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, papayas, herbs like thyme, parsley etc. the excess of this vitamin is flushed away so the supplementation is really not necessary for this vitamin.

whenever you buy supplements and vitamins, make sure that there's no added sugar. especially supplements for kids contains sugar. fructose is fine because fructose doesn't enter the bloodstream. vitamin C for example, has a similar chemical structure to sugar so if high levels of glucose are present in the blood the vitamin C will be left out of the cell and it will have no effect on the immune system. for this reason it is important that you feed your kids healthy, especially in winter time. avoid sweets and sugar in general. many parents tend to give their kids sth sweet when they are sick and don't feel like eating anything. so wrong. in this way you are just crushing the immune system, not helping it to recover.

#boostyourimmunesystem #healthykids #vitamins #vitaminC #vitaminD #winterseason

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