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Wednesday, June 10, 2015


This post was actually inspired by some BS I just read on Fb - people saying that you can maintain a perfect fit shape with just 1 training a week by eating whatever you want as long as it is healthy and you curb your appetite. That's BS, people. There are actually a very few people who are that lucky, but believe me, when you approach a certain age, you become just like any other human being in this world... training and nutrition definitely play a huge role in your body composition, but in the end it all comes down to the metabolism. have you ever wondered why certain people can eat all that junk and still remain in good shape and why some others eat super healthy and watch their diet but still can't lose weight. The answer is always hidden in you metabolism. Some people are intolerant to certain foods, some have a very high metabolism, some have it low, some absorb all the nutrients, some doesn't, some store everything as fat, some put it into muscle tissue, some have high cortisol (stress hormone) levels and gain weight, some lose it... We can't really control our metabolism, but we can get to know it and act accordingly. One thing that really affects our metabolism are the genes which determine our body type.
There are 3 different body types, but most of us are a combination of these three.

An ectomorph is a typical skinny guy. Ecto’s have a light build with small joints and lean muscle. Usually ectomorph’s have long thin limbs with stringy muscles. Shoulders tend to be thin with little width.

Small “delicate” frame and bone structure
Classic “hardgainer”
Flat chest
Small shoulders
Lean muscle mass
Finds it hard to gain weight
Fast metabolism
Ectomorphs find it very hard to gain weight. They have a fast metabolism which burns up calories very quickly. Ecto’s need a huge amount of calories in order to gain weight. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle groups. Supplements are definitely recommended. Ectomorphs should eat before bed to prevent muscle catabolism during the night. Generally, ectomorphs can lose fat very easily which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them. Cardio is and absolute no no! Keep trainings under 45 min, max 4 days a week.

A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Mesomorphs are the best body type for bodybuilding. They find it quite easy to gain and lose weight. They are naturally strong which is the perfect platform for building muscle.

Generally hard body
Well defined muscles
Rectangular shaped body
Gains muscle easily
Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs
The mesomorph body type responds the best to weight training. Gains are usually seen very quickly, especially for beginners. The downside to mesomorphs is they gain fat more easily than ectomorphs. This means they must watch their calorie intake.

The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft. Endomorphs gain fat very easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Muscles are strong, especially the upper legs. Endomorphs find they are naturally strong in leg exercises like the squat.

Soft and round body
Gains muscle and fat very easily
Is generally short
"Stocky" build
Round physique
Finds it hard to lose fat
Slow metabolism
Muscles not so well defined
When it comes to training endomorphs find it very easy to gain weight. Unfortunately, a large portion of this weight is fat not muscle. To keep fat gain to a minimum, endomorphs must always train cardio as well as weights. Usually supplements may not be needed as long as the person has a high protein intake in their diet.
One final point I want to mention is that no matter what your body type you can build a big, ripped, muscular physique. Even the skinniest of guys can bulk up. Yes, it’s harder but if you’re willing to put in the hard work it can be done. And even an extreme endomorph can still get lean. For him it will be much much harder to maintain a fit body, but nothing is impossible if you are willing to reach your goal.

For more training and nutrition tips, please visit my FB page by clicking here

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